In 2018, car theft was a major issue in the United States. 748,841 cars were stolen, resulting in a total of $6 billion worth of direct property damage. This is a staggering amount of money, but it doesn’t take into account the even more devastating effects of car theft on the victims.

Having your car stolen is a traumatic experience that can cause emotional and psychological stress. Victims are often left feeling violated, as if someone has broken into their personal space and taken something that is important to them. Furthermore, victims have to miss work and family time to deal with the logistics of the crime.

Filing insurance claims is another time-consuming process that victims must endure. This process can take hours, and can be particularly frustrating if the victim is unable to find the proper documentation. The whole experience can be traumatizing, especially for those who have never experienced car theft before.

Unfortunately, car theft is a crime that does not appear to be going away anytime soon. The FBI reports that the number of vehicles stolen in the United States has been steadily increasing since 2015. Criminals are becoming more sophisticated and are using increasingly advanced techniques to evade detection.

In order to combat car theft, it is important for drivers to take precautions. Here are 6 proactive steps on how protect your vehicle.

Park Your Car Indoors

As obvious as it may seem, there are still a quarter of US adults who either don’t or can’t park their car in the garage. This can be a huge problem, as parking your car inside a garage is much safer and more secure than leaving it out in the open. Not to mention, it’s a great way to keep your car in good condition, protect it from the elements, and maintain its value.

If the primary reason for not being able to park your car in the garage is due to it being cluttered, then it’s time to start decluttering. Start by removing all of the items that aren’t necessary or aren’t being used. This can include old furniture, toys, clothes, and any other items that are taking up valuable space. Once you’ve done this, you’ll be able to make room for your car.

If your car is too big for the garage, then you may need to invest in a bigger garage. This can be a costly endeavor, but it’s worth it if you want to keep your car safe and secure. Additionally, if you don’t want to invest in a bigger garage, you could consider a carport or other outdoor car-housing solution. Just make sure it’s strong enough to protect your car from the weather and has a lock on it.

It’s also important to make sure that the garage door is in good working order. A faulty door can be a safety hazard, as it won’t close properly and may even open when you don’t want it to. If you find that your door is in need of repair, it’s important to call a professional to ensure it’s fixed properly.

Finally, it’s important to make sure that the garage is clean and organized. This can help ensure your car is stored safely and securely, and it can also help you stay organized. Make sure to regularly sweep and mop the floor, and throw away any garbage or items you no longer need.

In conclusion, parking your car in a garage is a great way to protect it from the elements and maintain its value. If you’re one of the quarter of US adults that don’t or can’t park their car in the garage, then it’s time to start taking steps to make it possible. Start by decluttering, investing in a bigger garage if needed, making sure the garage door is in good working order, and keeping the garage clean and organized. Doing all this will ensure your car is stored safely and securely.

Use A Steering Wheel Lock

If your house doesn’t have a garage, or if you don’t have enough space to store your car in one, then you may be concerned about leaving your car outside and exposed to potential thieves. Fortunately, there is an easy and cost-effective solution to this problem – a steering wheel lock.

A steering wheel lock is an anti-theft device that essentially immobilizes the steering wheel of your car, making it impossible for a burglar to drive away with your car. The device works by being affixed to the steering wheel, using a combination of a locking mechanism, a physical bar, and a key. The bar is usually made of metal and is designed to lock the wheel in place, and the key is used to unlock the lock and remove the bar.

Although a steering wheel lock cannot guarantee that your car won’t be stolen, it does act as an effective deterrent and can make it much more difficult for a thief to get away with your vehicle. It also gives you the peace of mind of knowing that you have done something to protect your car.

When choosing a steering wheel lock, it is important to look for one that is made of high-quality materials that are resistant to thieves and vandals. You should also make sure that the lock is easy to install and use, as well as being easy to store and transport. Additionally, you should ensure that the lock is certified by an independent anti-theft organization.

In summary, using a steering wheel lock is an easy and cost-effective way to boost your car’s security if you don’t have a garage. It works by affixing and immobilizing the steering wheel, making it impossible for a potential car burglar to drive away with your car. When choosing a steering wheel lock, make sure to look for one that is made of high-quality materials and is certified by an independent anti-theft organization. With this additional layer of security, you can rest assured knowing that your car is much less likely to be stolen

Consider Tinting Your Windows

Increased privacy is one of the top benefits of car window tinting. However, window films also help hinder break-ins as they help reinforce the glass. If a burglar tries to smash the glass, the film delays the breakage by holding the cracked glass in place. Window tinting films also protect against both UVA and UVB rays. All these make them an excellent safety, security, and healthy addition to your ride.

It’s no secret that car window tinting offers increased privacy, and this feature is one of the top benefits of car window tinting. The tinted windows block out prying eyes and make it more difficult for people to see into your vehicle, so you can drive without worrying about people looking in. Window tinting films also help reinforce the glass, which makes it harder for potential thieves to break in. The film holds the cracked glass in place, so if a burglar tries to smash the glass, it will take them longer to break into the vehicle.

In addition to increased privacy, window tinting films also protect against both UVA and UVB rays. These rays can be harmful to your skin and eyes, so having window tinting films installed can help reduce the amount of exposure you get to these rays. The films also help keep your car cooler during the hot summer months, so you can ride in comfort without having to worry about the sun’s rays beating down on you.

Window tinting films also provide an added layer of protection in the event of an accident. The films help keep shattered glass from flying into the vehicle’s interior, which can be especially beneficial in the event of a side impact collision. The films also help keep your car’s interior looking new, as they protect the interior from fading due to the sun’s rays.

Overall, window tinting films offer a wide range of benefits, from increased privacy to improved safety. The films help keep prying eyes away, they can help delay a break-in, they protect against UVA and UVB rays, and they provide an added layer of protection in the event of an accident. All these make them an excellent safety, security, and healthy addition to your ride. So if you’re looking for a way to upgrade your vehicle, consider investing in car window tinting films

Additional Sensors Can Help

Security window films are an effective way to protect vehicles from burglary and break-ins, but they can be made even more effective with the addition of window sensors. Window sensors are a part of a vehicle alarm system that trigger the alarm when glass impact is detected. The loud sound of the alarm, combined with the delayed breakage of the window, may be enough to scare away potential burglars. Door sensors can also be added to the security system to monitor for unauthorized openings or other suspicious activity. When the alarm is activated, anyone who tries to open the door will be met with a loud sound warning.

Shock sensors can also be used to monitor vibrations around the vehicle. These sensors are able to “analyze” the motion to determine if there is any suspicious activity occurring. For example, if someone were to try and break into the trunk of the car, the shock sensor will sound the alarm. Investing in all of these sensors can provide a comprehensive car security system that can help protect your vehicle from break-ins.

Window films alone can be effective, but with the addition of the sensors, the security of the vehicle can be improved greatly. It is important to invest in sensors that are compatible with your car’s security system. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the sensors are properly installed and maintained to ensure maximum effectiveness. By following these steps, you can help protect your vehicle and provide an extra layer of security

Use Security Cameras

Security cameras have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to deter burglars and capture evidence of criminal activity. It is no surprise that there is a lot of debate about their effectiveness and whether or not they really do deter criminals. While there may be some disagreement, the evidence overwhelmingly suggests that security cameras do help to deter crime.

The primary way that CCTV and dash cams work as a psychological deterrent is by making criminals feel exposed. Knowing that their actions can be recorded and that their identities can be revealed makes criminals feel vulnerable and exposed. This is often enough to stop them from carrying out their criminal activities.

Law enforcers and government bodies may say that cameras do not prevent crime, but they also admit that video recordings can be extremely helpful in aiding investigations. In many cases, video recordings are the only way to accurately identify a perpetrator or piece together the events of a crime. In addition to being a deterrent, security cameras can also be used to help law enforcement agencies bring criminals to justice.

The benefits of security cameras can even extend to car owners. Many insurers offer discounts for car owners who use anti-theft devices, including dash cameras. Dash cams are particularly useful for car owners since they offer 24/7 recording features and remote monitoring. This is extremely helpful for car owners who want to keep an eye on their vehicles even when they are not using them.

Overall, the evidence suggests that security cameras are effective in deterring criminals and helping law enforcement agencies bring criminals to justice. Car owners can also benefit from the use of dash cams, which offer additional features like 24/7 recording and remote monitoring. So if you are looking for a way to protect your property and loved ones, security cameras may be the perfect solution.

Get A Tire Lock

A tire lock is one of the most effective ways to prevent break-ins and car thefts. It is a metal device that is clamped onto a wheel, rendering it immovable. This is a great solution for those who do not have access to a garage, as it provides an additional layer of security for vehicles parked outside for long periods.

The concept of tire locks is not a new one. In fact, the police have been using them for years to immobilize illegally parked vehicles. Tire locks are also very effective at combating wheel theft – a type of crime which is on the rise in many areas. Wheels are very valuable and easy to steal, making them a prime target for criminals. In 2018, for example, thieves stole $200,000 worth of wheels from a Honda dealership in Weymouth, Massachusetts.

Aside from providing an added deterrent to car theft, tire locks also provide extra peace of mind. If a vehicle is equipped with a tire lock, it sends a message to potential criminals that the car is not an easy target. This can be especially reassuring to those who live in more high-crime areas.

Installing a tire lock is relatively simple and inexpensive. Most tire locks are designed to fit a variety of wheel sizes and come with instruction manuals for easy installation. Additionally, some tire locks come with an alarm system that will sound when the device is tampered with, providing an extra layer of security.

Using a tire lock is a great way to protect your vehicle from theft and break-ins. Not only will it deter criminals, but it will also give you the peace of mind that your vehicle is safe and secure